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Fire Hydrants

Fire Hydrants

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service has approximately 17,500 fire hydrants located across North Wales. It is the Service’s responsibility to ensure that these hydrants are kept serviceable and available for use in the event of fire.

Fire hydrants are installed in an underground chamber, and identified by above ground yellow marker posts/signs, identifying the location and size of the water main. The lid of the hydrant pit is marked with the letters F H.


Fire hydrant cover and hydrant marker plate

These covers may be found in the footpath, verge or in the road way.

Marker plates can be seen fixed to a post or wall.

Please take care not to park your vehicle over a fire hydrant as it could be needed in an emergency at any time. In the event of fire, it is paramount that firefighters have access to water supplies quickly. Obstruction of fire hydrants; in particular, inconsiderate parking could place the lives of you, your family and your neighbours at risk. 

A person commits an offence if they damage or obstruct a fire hydrant and as such, may be liable to prosecution.


Know the law

It is illegal to use a fire hydrant to obtain water for purposes other than Fire-fighting, unless authorised by the owner of a hydrant or the water authority (such as Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water or Dee Valley Water). If water is found to be drawn illegally from a fire hydrant, a person may be liable to prosecution.

Reporting of defective fire hydrants

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service encourages contact from people within our communities in relation to problems or concerns with a fire hydrants condition or general enquiries about fire hydrants. Reports of damaged fire hydrants are inspected and repaired as soon as possible.

Relocating fire hydrant markers

On occasions, fire hydrant markers may need to be relocated, for example, when a property owner wishes to relocate a boundary wall. Further advice can be sought from the Water Manager. 

If you require any further information about fire hydrants, need to report a defective/damaged fire hydrant or illegal use of a fire hydrant, please contact the Water Manager Andrew McLaren via email or call 01745 535 250.


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