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Safe and Well Check

A Safe and Well Check is a free service offered by North Wales Fire & Rescue Service to give fire safety information and guidance. Our staff will carry out an assessment and offer tailored advice and interventions to help reduce the risk of fire in their property.

Do we offer a Safe and Well check to everybody?

Not everybody will require a Safe and Well Check face to face. We asses all referrals to ensure that we are focusing our time on those people who are most at risk of fire. A face to face visit will be offered to those most at risk of fire. If you are deemed as being low risk we will contact you via telephone to offer fire safety advice.

Please complete the online request form or alternatively call us on 0800 169 1234 or text on 0750 730 3678

During a face to face Safe and Well Check at your property, we will:

  • Assess fire safety in every room in your property.
  • Identify and make you aware of the potential fire risks in your home.
  • Make sure you know what to do in order to reduce or prevent these risks.
  • Discuss a night-time routine that will help keep you and your family safe at night.
  • Discuss an escape plan.
  • Ensure you have a working smoke alarm, on each floor of your property and ensure you know how to test and maintain it.
  • Assess the need for additional free of charge interventions to reduce the risk of fire in your home.
  • Refer you (with your permission) to agencies that may offer further help to keep you safe and well.

Online Home Fire Safety Checker

This easy-to-follow home fire safety check has been developed through a partnership between the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC), Fire Kills and Safelincs. It will take you through your home one room at a time and the simple questions will help you spot fire risks as you go around your home.

The tool will offer tips and advice on the steps you can take to reduce those risks. At the end, you will receive a personalised fire safety action plan to help keep you and your household safe from fire.

Having at least one working smoke alarm on every floor of the home and testing all alarms regularly remains a central message of the campaign. Fire Kills also aims to raise awareness among the public, and especially vulnerable groups, of the potential fire risks and everyday accidents that are primary causes of domestic fire in the UK.

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