Minutes of FRA meeting held on 17 December 2018
Minutes of the meeting of North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority held on Monday 17 December 2018 at Conwy County Borough Council Chamber, Bodlondeb, Conwy. Meeting commenced at 10.30am.
Councillor | Representing |
M Ll Davies (Chair) | Denbighshire County Council |
P Lewis (Deputy Chair) | Conwy County Borough Council |
B Apsley | Wrexham County Borough Council |
A Davies | Denbighshire County Council |
M Dixon | Wrexham County Borough Council |
I Dunbar | Flintshire County Council |
V Gay | Flintshire County Council |
R Griffiths | Anglesey County Council |
J B Hughes | Gwynedd Council |
E W Jones | Anglesey County Council |
S Lloyd-Williams | Conwy County Borough Council |
G Lowe | Wrexham County Borough Council |
R Parry | Conwy County Borough Council |
D Rees | Anglesey County Council |
P Shotton | Flintshire County Council |
J R Skelland | Wrexham County Borough Council |
N Smith | Conwy County Borough Council |
A Tansley | Conwy County Borough Council |
G Williams | Gwynedd Council |
Also present:
S A Smith (Chief Fire Officer and Chief Executive); C Everett (Clerk and Monitoring Officer to the Authority); K W Finch (Treasurer to the Authority); R Fairhead and
K Roberts (Assistant Chief Fire Officers); S Morris and H MacArthur (Assistant Chief Officers); T Williams (Corporate Communications Manager); A Davies (Member Liaison Officer).
Councillor | Representing |
M Bateman | Flintshire County Council |
B Blakeley | Denbighshire County Council |
P Evans | Denbighshire County Council |
R Roberts | Wrexham County Borough Council |
D Wisinger | Flintshire County Council |
1 Declarations of interest
1.1 There were no declarations of interest.
2.1 The minutes of the Fire and Rescue Authority meeting held on 17 September were submitted for approval.
2.2 RESOLVED to approve minutes of the meeting as a true and correct record.
3.1 There were no matters arising.
4.1 There were no urgent matters.
5.1 The report listed meetings and events attended by Cllr M Ll Davies and Cllr P R Lewis in their roles of Chair and Deputy Chair of North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority between September and December 2018.
5.2 RESOLVED to note the information provided.
6.1 The Treasurer presented the report which gave Members an estimate of North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority’s provisional outturn for the financial year 2018/19.
6.2 Members were informed that the current forecast is that the full budget allocation will be required including the contribution from reserves, however, this is subject to activity remaining at normal levels during the winter months. In terms of the capital budget, it was noted that due to the re-profiling of the timing of delivery of a number of projects the full year capital expenditure forecast is £2.7m.
6.3 Members noted the additional revenue expenditure during the summer months due to the grass fires. However, in response to a question about claiming from the Bellwin scheme it was noted that it is only accessible to local authorities.
6.4 Resolved to note that the Authority is:
(i) currently forecasting to fully utilise its revenue budget of £34.1m in 2018/19; and
(ii) forecasting capital expenditure of £2.7m during 2018/19 against the plan of £5.9m.
7 Response to Public Consultation and Draft Improvement and Well-being Objectives 2019/20
7.1 ACO Morris presented the report which summarised the response to North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority’s 2018 public consultation that was undertaken as part of the process of developing its improvement and well-being objectives for 2019/20. The report also proposed that Members approve the draft improvement and well-being objectives for 2019/20.
- note the response to the Authority’s public consultation conducted between September and November 2018; and
- approve the development of a draft Improvement and Well-being Plan 2019/20 based on a continuation of the Authority’s current improvement and well-being objectives:
- to support people to prevent accidental dwelling fires and stay safe if they do occur; and
- to facilitate high quality, responsive and better integrated fire and rescue services so that prevention activity and emergency response continue to be available when and where required, affordably, equitably and on the basis of risk.
8 Medium Term Financial Strategy 2019/22 and Budget 2019/20
8.1 The Treasurer presented the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2019/22 and the draft revenue and capital budgets 2019/20.
8.2 ACO MacArthur outlined the key risks and uncertainties identified during the budget planning process and confirmed the key assumptions made. It was confirmed that there were means to fund the current level of service provision in the short term. The report also contained information about the key risks and uncertainties to the Authority in the medium term; the current planning assumption is that pay awards in excess of 2% and the additional pension costs arising from the GAD valuation will be centrally funded.
8.3 The Clerk suggested that all councils could have an additional line on their council tax invoices stating the contribution amount towards the FRS; he felt that this approach would enable more understanding amongst the public.
(i) approve the capital and revenue budgets for 2019/20 based on an increase in contributions from constituent authorities of £1.7m;
(ii) delegate authority to the Treasurer, in consultation with the Chair, Chief Fire Officer and Clerk to alter the budget level downwards should any savings transpire before 15 February 2019; and
(iii) endorse the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
9 Membership of the Authority’s Planning Working Group to develop the Fire and Rescue Authority’s plan for 2020/21
9.1 ACO Morris presented the report which asked Members to agree the membership of the Authority’s Planning Working Group 2019.
9.2 It was noted that the Authority’s planning processes will need to commence early in 2019 to allow enough time for the Authority to draft, consult on and approve its 2020/21 plan for publication in early 2020. The Working Group will undertake the detailed work of drafting the plan for approval by the full Authority.
9.3 Members acknowledged that in previous years the full membership of the Executive Panel had become the membership of the Planning Working Group, however, they were of the view that the Audit Committee members should have more involvement and it was proposed that the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Audit Committee become members of the Planning Working Group.
(i) agree that the full membership of the Authority’s Executive Panel becomes the membership of the Planning Working Group;
(ii) agree that the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Audit Committee also become members of the Planning Working Group; and
(ii) note that dates for the Planning Working Group meetings will be sent to Members in due course.
10 White Paper “Reform of Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales”
10.1 The Chief Fire Officer presented the report which informed Members that the Welsh Government has published its White Paper “Reform of Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales”.
10.2 RESOLVED to
(i) note the publication of the Welsh Government’s White Paper “Reform of Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales”;
(ii) note the workshop for all members being held on 15 January 2019;
(iii) agree that, following the workshop, a written response is made to the Welsh Government by the deadline of 5 February 2019. This response is to be formally signed-off by the Chair of the Authority.
At this juncture, Cllr S Glyn and Cllr J B Hughes left the meeting.
11.1 The Clerk presented the report which informed Members of the dates for meetings of the full Fire and Rescue Authority, Executive Panel and Audit Committee for 2019. They are as follows:
Dates for the NWFRA meetings are scheduled as follows:
Monday 18 March 2019
Monday 17 June 2019
Monday 16 September 2019
Monday 16 December 2019
Dates for the Executive Panel meetings, to be held at Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters St Asaph at 10.00am, are scheduled as follows:
Monday 11 February 2019
Monday 13 May 2019
Monday 29 July 2019, 2pm
Monday 21 October 2019
Dates for the Audit Committee meetings, to be held at Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters St Asaph are scheduled as follows:
Monday 28 January 2019
Monday 29 July 2019
Monday 9 September 2019
11.2 At members’ request, it was agreed that the start time of the Audit Committee meetings would be resolved outside of this meeting and all members notified accordingly.
11.3 RESOLVEd to note the dates for meetings of the Fire and Rescue Authority, Executive Panel and Audit Committee set for 2019.
12 Public Services Boards – Update
12.1 ACO Morris presented the report which summarised the progress being made by the four North Wales Public Services Boards (PSBs) towards defining and achieving their first set of adopted well-being objectives.
12.2 It was noted that the PSBs have published their first well-being assessments and well-being plans for their areas. The PSBs continue to meet regularly and work is also being undertaken via the subject sub-groups. The well-being plans themselves identify a total of 74 priorities for North Wales that can broadly be grouped under 16 headings.
12.3 RESOLVED to
(i) note the progress being made by the four PSBs in North Wales towards setting and achieving their well-being objectives;
(ii) receive the annual reports of the PSBs, once published, at a FRA meeting later in the year.
The Clerk left the meeting whilst the following agenda item was discussed.
13.1 ACO MacArthur reported that the procurement document for the post of clerk/monitoring officer is being finalised and will be published in the New Year, with a view to holding the interviews in late February.
13.2 Members noted that the appointments panel will consist of one Executive Panel member from each local authority.
13.3 RESOLVED to note the update.
14 The Firefighters’ Pension (Wales) Scheme (Amendment) Order 2014 – application of Rule B5C
14.1 The report provided Members with information about the issue surrounding the application of the Firefighters’ Pension (Wales) Scheme (Amendment) Order 2014, Rule B5C and its impact on the pension arrangements for those staff in receipt of remuneration for temporary promotions. The report also sought approval for the proposals for the full application of Rule B5C.
14.2 resolved to
note the background to the issue surrounding the treatment of temporary promotions for pension purposes;
- note the impact for each staff group associated with the full application;
- approve the proposal to fully apply Rule B5C with effect from
1 July 2013; and - approve the proposed treatment of employees who have already retired, noting the associated risks.