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My employer will not be happy if I'm out all night at a fire and come into work tired.

Firefighters no longer remain at incidents for long periods. It is recognised that extended periods of exertion can lead to accidents through tiredness and lack of concentration. At prolonged incidents, wherever possible personnel are relieved of their duties after 4 hours of work.

How much commitment would you expect from me?

Current on-call contacts are either 75% which is less that 120 hours per week or 100% which is 120hrs+ a week.

I've got a lot of family commitments; can being an on-call compromise my work/life balance?

As an employer of over 1,000 people the Service understands the pressures of everyday life and the need to have a health work life balance. Dependant on the availability of the appliance short leave can be granted by your Watch Manager.

Is North Wales Fire and Rescue Service and equal opportunities employer?

Yes, copies of our equal opportunities policy can be viewed on our web site.

What happens if I join but then struggle with certain aspects of the job, will I get dismissed?

Initially no, we have a policy in place where if it is identified that you have difficulty in one or more elements of the role you will be given a development plan. The plan will have set targets and realistic timescales. If you still have development issues at the end of the set program we may then instigate a competency protocol which ultimately may lead to a termination of your contract if no progress is made.

If I apply for an application form, what happens next?

The Locality Manager responsible for your area will assess your stated availability against the requirements of the station which will determine how your application will be processed.

How do I develop myself in the future for a supervisory role?

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service operates an Appraisal process which is undertaken by all operational staff on an annual basis. From this interview with your line manager it will be determined the best possible avenues for your self development. Together with the annual review the Service holds Supervisory Managers assessment days which you may enter once deemed competent in your current role.

I currently claim out of work benefits, could I continue to claim if I am only employed to be ‘on call’?

If you claim Universal Credits, you can continue to do so and there’s no limit to the number of hours you can work a week.  Your payment will reduce gradually as you earn more.  You won’t lose all your benefits at once if you’re on a low income. Most benefits are being phased out and replaced by Universal Credits, however, if you are currently claiming other benefits, you will need to check with your local Jobcentre Plus or Tax Credits office about the implications of working as an on-call Firefighter.




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